Artist Self-Portrait

Selt Portrait

Title: Steven's Self Portrait

Dimension: 1200x1200

Medium: Processor Software P5 editor

Brief Artist Statement: Besides creating an avatar of myself through certain video games or other software applications which gives a person an option to create an avatar, I always imagined how an avatar or a self portrait would look like through the use of p5 Javascript. Wearing a blue hat and green shirt, I believe this self portrait is a good representation of myself and who I am.

The code for the Portrait: function setup() { createCanvas(600, 600); } function draw() { background(228, 216, 116); fill(46, 212, 118); // Shirt Color quad(100, 600, 500, 600, 460, 475, 130, 475); fill(249, 237, 206); // Neck Color square(262, 400, 75, 20); fill(249, 237, 206); // Face Color ellipse(300, 300, 180, 270); fill(0,0,0,) // Right Eyebrow rect(235, 230, 40, 10); fill(0,0,0,) // Left Eyebrow rect(325, 230, 40, 10); fill(255, 255, 255) // Right Eyebrow ellipse(255, 265, 50, 30); fill(255, 255, 255) // Left Eyebrow ellipse(340, 265, 50, 30); fill(145, 106, 77) // Right Pupil ellipse(255, 265, 20, 20); fill(145, 106, 77) // Left Pupil ellipse(340, 265, 20, 20); fill(249, 237, 206) // Nose arc(300, 320, 60, 60, 0, PI + QUARTER_PI, OPEN); fill(229, 168, 121) // Mouth arc(300, 375, 60, 60, 0, PI + QUARTER_PI, CHORD); fill(208, 148, 103) // Lips line (330, 375, 270, 375); fill(0, 0, 0) // Hair triangle(250, 150, 200, 275, 400, 200); fill(78, 62, 226) // Hat 1 rect(200, 120, 200, 100, 35, 35, 0, 0); fill(78,62,226) // Hat 2 rect(400, 200, 100, 20); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 1 rect(300, 120, 5, 100); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 2 rect(250, 120, 5, 100); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 3 rect(350, 120, 5, 100); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 4 rect(215, 125, 5, 95); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 5 rect(380, 125, 5, 95); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 6 rect(330, 120, 5, 100); fill(0,0,0) // Hat Line 7 rect(275, 120, 5, 100); }